Is this a translation or a version?The SKJV is a version. The term translation implies going back to the original documents, in the original languages, which we didn't do. Keeping all the original translation work of the 1611 Bible, the Simplified KJV Bible carefully updates old styles that may interfere with your understanding today while leaving the KJV translation work untouched.
What source documents were used?Only the King James Version itself. We did not attempt to create a new translation from the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts. Instead, our editors simply updated confusing words, spellings, sentence structures, and punctuation issues in the King James Version.
Why change the King James Version?With more than four hundred years of history, the King James Version is well known and much loved. But it can be difficult to understand. Some of its terms have changed meanings over the centuries. Its sentence structures and punctuation styles can vary widely from contemporary norms. The Simplified KJV Bible was designed to remove these challenges to modern readers while maintaining the familiarity and trustworthiness of the original translation work. We believe the Simplified KJV Bible provides the best of both worlds—the accuracy and beauty of the original King James and the understandability of a modern Bible version.
Who produced the Simplified KJV™?The project was created by Barbour Publishing, Inc., a Christian publishing house in eastern Ohio. The revision work was conducted by Peachtree Publishing Services, a highly respected Bible editing and proofreading company serving publishers around the world.
Is a digital edition available online?A complete online version is available for all our email subscribers. Simply CLICK HERE and follow the instructions to unlock your access to the online viewer.
We are also working to make the SKJV available on popular Bible websites and apps (Bible Gateway, YouVersion, etc.) as well as on Bible software. Unfortunately, we do not yet have an estimated date for when that will take place. Those links will be added to this website once available and our email subscribers will be notified. Will there be a large print edition?Two large print editions are scheduled to release in March 2025 featuring two different cover options in a leather-like format. They will be added to the BIBLES page of this website once they become available. Email subscribers will also be notified.
How does the SKJV differ from the NKJV?The SKJV did not engage in any new translation work as the NKJV did. There will be similarities in wording, since both versions are based on the original KJV, but the SKJV limited itself to updating antiquated or confusing language in the original KJV text. The NKJV performed new translation work from the original languages.
At base level, the SKJV was intended to maintain and honor the KJV's translation work while making the text more readable and understandable today. |